Training Clinics 2025


National Clinics

Clinics for National and Club officials take place on 22 & 23 February at Ashfields Carriage & Polo Club, Great Dunmow, Essex . Sunday can be booked as a one day option for Cones Judges. Booking closes at 5pm on Monday 10th February.

Sessions will be facilitated by Andrew Counsell for Judges, Katy Stewart for TDs and Malcolm Brown for CDs.

Start time: 10:30 on Saturday. Finish: 13:30 on Sunday.

All interested club or BC members are invited to attend. Attendance at this clinic is free and includes a buffet lunch with a selection of sandwiches, wraps, rolls, sausage rolls, scotch eggs, hot soup, fruit bowl and cakes. There will also be all day refreshments.

The café will be open for anyone wishing breakfast, but it is best to book in advance with Ashfields Country Kitchen on 07983 693191.

There will be an optional two course dinner on Saturday night at a cost of £22.50. The menu offers a choice of a meat or vegetarian main course and desert. Please book this as an Add-on. Please email the BC office if you have any specific dietary requirements.

There are 5 electric hook ups available if you wish to take your own lorry or caravan. These can be booked as an Add-on at £20 for the weekend.

There is a wide variety of local accommodation available with the Travelodge Great Dunmow, the Saracens Head Hotel Great DunmowPuttocks Farm B&B, Great DunmowLittle Bullocks Farm B&B, Takeley and plenty of other hotels around Stansted airport.

Please book a place on this clinic via MEMBERS LOGIN or contact BC office.

Judges Clinic - North

  Club Judges Clinic (North) on Sunday, 2 March 2025 at the Rheged Centre, Penrith. Maximum 40 attendees in the Blue Room.

  Andrew Counsell has a wealth of experience judging at club, national and international level. With new tests being introduced, this is an excellent opportunity to familiarise yourself with the tests being used in 2025 and to learn from an experieinced official. 

Please aim to arrive at 9.30 for refreshments with a 10am start. The clinic will finish around 4pm. Attendance is free and includes tea and coffee, which will be available all day, and a buffet lunch.

Please book a place on the above clinic via MEMBERS LOGIN or contact BC ofice.

TD Clinic - North

North TD clinic on Sunday, 2 March 2025 at the Rheged Centre, Penrith. Maximum 14 attendees in the Green Room.

Philip Bateman has a wealth of experieince in the role of TD having officiated at numerous events, both at home and abroad. This is an excellent oportunity to discuss the requirements of the role and benefit from group discussion and Philip's expertise.

Please aim to arrive at 9.30 for refreshments with a 10am start. The clinic will finish around 4pm. Attendance is free and includes tea and coffee, which will be available all day, and a buffet lunch.

Please book a place on the above clinic via MEMBERS LOGIN or contact BC ofice.