The social license to operate (SLO) refers to the ongoing acceptance of a company or industry's standard practices and operating procedures by its employees, stakeholders, and the general public. |
British Carriagedriving Working Group
Anna Grayston |
Jane Isaac |
Andrew May |
Rosie Mould |
Janet Pilling |
Debbie Daniels |
• Raising awareness of SLO and Horse Welfare in relation to driving with carriage drivers in the UK
• Collating information on the topic
• Identifying issues
• Sharing solutions with carriage drivers
• Educating the general public about carriage driving
Posters to download:
Click on either of the above posters to download a printable PDF
Changing Rein webcast (August 2024):
Ethical equestrianism: we discuss the ethics of using horses in sport with Prof. Madeleine Campbell.
The ethics of using horses in sport has never been more topical. Join us as we talk to vet, horsewoman and Prof of Veterinary Ethics Madeleine Campbell and we discover that ethics is something everyone loves to talk about.
WATCH ON YouTube ►

British Equestrian ethics & welfare: The Charter for the Horse. |
British Equestrian: Equine Welfare and Ethics Advisory Group |
Be a Guardian initiative - FEI takes leadership in safeguarding the wellbeing of sport horses. |
FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan |
FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse |
FEI Equine Ethics & Wellbeing Commission |
Study to Determine International and National Equestrian Expert Opinions on Managing Sporthorse Health and Welfare (Sep 2023) |
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Sporthorse Welfare Foundation Calls for improved education and welfare charter (Nov 2023) |
SportHorse Welfare Foundation |
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Young horses: equine skeletal development |
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Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission: A Good Life for Horses (2023) |
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Equine welfare and social licence to operate: Relevance for carriage driving (Roly Owens - May 2023) |
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How important is public trust for the future of the horse sport sector? (Feb 2023) |
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Ethical equestrianism: we discuss the ethics of using horses in sport with Prof. Madeleine Campbell. Changing Rein webcast (August 2024) |
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