![]() Midlands CarriagedrivingOasby Club and Championship event Cancelled13 August 2024 Oasby Club and Championship event Cancelled It is with much regret that Midlands Carriagedriving (MC) has taken the decision to cancel its event at Oasby (17 & 18 August) due to insufficient entries. This is doubly disappointing as Oasby would have hosted the club’s 2024 Championship classes. MC would like to apologise to those who did enter and thanks them for their support. The club is still planning to run the One-Day Event at Anslow, Derbyshire, on Saturday 24 August, providing enough entries are received. There will, as always, be a complimentary buffet lunch for stewards and all who compete on the day. Please enter via the website: www.midlandscarriagedriving.co.uk MC encourages all who can to attend the AGM (date and venue to be announced soon) to discuss thoughts and events that competitors would like to participate in during next season. Please contact a member of the committee to raise your ideas or suggestions for inclusion in the Agenda; contact details are available on the MC website and follow the club on Facebook. |