British Carriagedriving membership

Anyone who is interested in carriage driving, particularly if they wish to compete, should consider joining British Carriagedriving. Among many membership benefits are:

If you are not already a member, please choose the membership category that suits your needs.

All membership subscriptions run from 1st January to 31st December. Insurance is valid only for UK and Ireland residents.

Memberships are done through MEMBERS LOGIN, where you can: join as a new member, re-new your existing membership, change your membership category or update your personal details.

Personal liability insurance is included with your membership and additional accident insurance cover can be purchased. Find out more about insurance:



Full Membership

Designed for those who compete in the sport and want all the benefits of being a full BC member.

  • Third party personal liability insurance cover 365 days, for equine activities (subject to the terms and conditions of the policy). This extends to grooms and backsteppers at events.
  • BC newsletter and email shots
  • Attend and vote at the AGM/conference.
  • Attend BC training clinics with or without turnout.
  • Access to British Carriage Driving, British Equestrian and FEI resources and support.
  • Financial grants available to support young and para driver training
  • The opportunity to ‘have a go’ at international events without upgrading membership until the following season (for new international competitors)
  • BC office support

International Membership

Designed for those who compete in the sport at FEI/International level and want all the benefits of being a full BC member plus:-

  • Personal accident and travel insurance while competing abroad.
  • Seek selection for GBR teams and entitled to compete FEI/International level in UK and abroad
  • BC office support

Note: FEI driver and horse registration must now be completed separately by every driver. Go to the shop on MEMBERS LOGIN

International (UK events only)

This category is for drivers who wish to compete at FEI International events taking place in the UK. All other benefits are the same as a full membership.

Note: FEI driver and horse registration must be completed separately by every driver. Go to the shop on MEMBERS LOGIN

Associate Membership

Designed for those who have horses and want to support the sport but don't actively compete*.

  • Third party personal liability insurance cover 365 days and for equine activities, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy (except for carriage driving competitions*)
  • BC newsletter and email shots
  • Attend BC training clinics with or without turnout.
  • Attend and vote at AGM/conference
  • Access to British Carriage Driving, British Equestrian and FEI resources and support.
  • BC office support

*Note: Those members who wish to compete, we recommend that you choose Full BC membership to provide cover at timed driving competitions OR at least take Club membership for cover at Club only events.

BC Affiliated Club Membership
£ (variable depending on the club)

Members who join their local BC affiliated club become BC affiliated club members. This membership provides the following benefits:-

  • Third party personal liability insurance cover at any affiliated club event (this extends to grooms and backsteppers at events).
  • Complimentary third party liability insurance cover for your first National event (this extends to grooms and backsteppers at events).
  • A regular newsletter from BC keeping you informed about carriage driving news, events and other developments around the UK and abroad. This will be in addition to the usual communication from your local club.

Officials Membership

Designed for BC Judges, Technical Delegates, Course designers and Safety Officers

  • BC newsletter and email shots
  • Attend BC officials training clinics in person
  • Free attendance at BC online training clinics
  • Attend and vote at AGM/conference
  • Access to British Carriage Driving, British Equestrian and FEI resources and support.
  • BC office support

Supporting Membership

For those who support the sport, as a groom for example, or just want to feel involved and want to stay in touch with what's going on. This membership includes the BC newsletter and email shots.

Young Members
& British Young Drivers

  • Young Member (6-16 years) - 75% discount to Full and International membership
  • Young Member (17-21 years) - 50% discount to Full and International membership
  • Young Member (22-25 years) - 25% discount to Full and International membership
  • BYD - Newcomers to the sport receive their first year of BC membership included for free when attending their first BYD camp.


All subscriptions run from 1st January to 31st December


Memberships are done through MEMBERS LOGIN, where you can: join as a new member, re-new your existing membership, change your membership category or update your personal details.

If you have any questions or require more information about BC membership, please contact the BC office