Competition Classes & Progression

Competition classes at British Carriagedriving National Events. The class levels are designed to allow the natural progression of the equine(s), and drivers, through the levels.

Competitions organised by driving clubs often follow the same class structure and rules, but with amendments which may be different for each club. See the club's website for more information. List of Affiliated Driving Clubs

For more detailed information on BC classes and progression, please download the BC Classes PDF document.


Gateway Newcomers

(Singles or Pairs)

Designed for Newcomers to the sport of Competition Carriage Driving with little or no outdoor competition experience, or for those moving to outdoor competition. An Introductory Safety & Competence Assessment must have been completed prior to attending the first event unless experienced at Indoor events.


Gateway Allcomers

(Singles or Pairs)

Designed for Gateway Newcomers to progress into, or for competitors who are bringing on a new single equine or starting a pair. Experienced indoor and inside/out competitors may start in this class or in Newcomers as they wish.



Pre-Novice is designed for competitors progressing from Gateway classes, competitors new to the sport who wish to start at this level outdoors or      competitors new to outdoor competition having competed at Indoor and inside/out level. New competitors wishing to enter Pre-Novice at National competitions must have a BC competence certificate signed at two club events which include a marathon.



Competitors progressing from Gateway or Pre-Novice classes, competitors new to the sport who wish to start at this level outdoors or competitors new to outdoor competition having competed at Indoor and inside/out competitions.

A competitor from a higher class level may compete in this class with a young or inexperienced equine that has not competed above Novice level. They must return to the Open Class at the end of the season in which they win their first event and will not be eligible to qualify for the National Novice Championship. New competitors wishing to enter this class at a National competition, without first competing Nationally at Pre-Novice, must have a BC competence certificate signed at two club events with a marathon.


(Singles, Pairs, Tandems, Fours)

A competitor who has won a National Novice class on two occasions, or the winner of the Novice National Championship.

A competitor may progress to the Open Class after they have completed 2 Novice National Events without elimination, with a dressage mark of 60 or less.

A driver of a multiple turnout may enter this class following an assessment and having completed a minimum of 2 events at club level with the turnout.


(International Level for Singles, Pairs & Fours )

Designed for those wishing to compete at the highest level nationally or enter international competitions. A competitor/athlete may progress to the Advanced Class after they have completed 3 Open National Events without elimination, with a dressage mark of 60 or less at one of these events.

Very Small Equine

(Singles, Pairs, Tandems & Fours )

Any turnout 11hh (112cm) and under. The Organiser will monitor weight of carriage and driver/grooms, being conscious of the welfare of the equine(s) at all times.

Small Equine

(Singles, Pairs, Tandems & Fours )

Any turnout 12.2hh (127cm) and under. The Organiser and Judges will monitor weight of carriage and driver/grooms, being conscious of the welfare of the equine(s) at all times.

Para Drivers

(Singles & Pairs)

Any driver who has completed the Drivers with Disabilities Protocol and has been classified (Grade 1 or 2).

Young Drivers
 Children, Juniors & Under 25

(Singles & Pairs)

Young Drivers will drive in the BC class for which they are eligible. They will drive the dressage test required by that class. In addition they may wish to drive their relevant Young Drivers FEI test at the end of the day

  •  Children: Single pony – Driver age 12-14 years
  •  Juniors: Single Horse & Pony – 14-18 years
  •  Juniors: Horse Pair – 16-18 years
  •  Under 25: Singles & Horse Pair – 16-25 years
  •  Under 25: Horse 4s – 18-25 years
For more complete information about types of events, the class structure and progression, please dowmload BC Classes PDF